Lisbon United Methodist Church

We make disciples by gathering for worship, growing in faith and in grace, and serving in love. From our roots in Christ, we nurture our community by welcoming everyone and reaching out to all who are in need.
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Grow Groups


Have you ever felt like you wanted a deeper relationship with God? If yes, then our bible studies, Grow Groups, are for you.

Grow Groups are small groups of committed Christians who are intentionally trying to develop a deeper relationship with God. The content is rooted in scripture but is not always scripture only. Members of these groups are committed to love each other, support each other and hold each other accountable in love. If this sounds interesting to you, please stop by to experience them for yourself.

One meets in person at the church on Thursdays at 10:00am and the other meets via Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:00pm.

Information for joining Wednesday Evening’s Zoom meeting:

Please come and share what has brought spiritual growth and faith development in your own relationship with Christ!

If you plan to attend, please fill out the form below or let Pastor TJ know.

Planning to attend Grow Group?

What day would you like to attend?