What motivates us to serve?
Love for God, neighbors, and self; prioritized by need for others.
The Bible emphasizes personal hands on service to others as we come together as the body of Christ to meet our community’s needs.
If you’re already looking for simple ways to serve others, you probably don’t need convincing that it’s a good thing. After all, just before being crucified, Jesus paused his last meal with his disciples to get up, fetch a basin and towel—and to his disciple’s great surprise—serve them by washing their feet. And later, he urged them to love each other in the same way (John 13:34-35).
What is your spirit? How will you serve?

Shepherd’s Table
Shepherd’s Table – In December of this year Shepherd’s Table celebrated their 40th anniversary. Our contributions to this non-profit helped them provide critical support to hundreds of individuals in the community who struggle with food insecurity, homelessness, and poverty. In 2023 they have seen a 58% increase in meals served.
Morgan Food Bank
Morgan Food Bank – We support the Morgan Chapel food bank on the first Sunday of the month and our congregation is very generous with contributions.
The Rev. Jim Skellington has shared the following information with us regarding Morgan’s efforts to serve an increasing number of families in the community.
As of Dec 16th, the food bank served 101 families and 76 the previous week. This doubles the families served last December and a new monthly record.
With winter just beginning let us continue to help our neighbors less fortunate than us.
Angel Tree
Our Angel Tree supported four children and a parent this Christmas. Thanks to the generosity of the congregation all of the gifts on the children’s wish list were granted. In addition, two of the larger items, a highchair and a play table were bought from funds from the Methodist Men and the parent received gifts provided with funds from bazaar profits.

We are excited to continue our support of the Lisbon Food and Fun Program. Although the format has changed from previous years, we continue to share God’s love in various ways. From baking cookies and serving pizza to having authentic conversations, we help these families on more ways than one.
Not only have we created a relationship with the families that we serve at Lisbon Elementary, but we have created a partnership with Glenelg United Methodist Church (GUMC) and Lisbon Elementary School. Glenelg United Methodist
Church is home to the Park-It-Market. This van based food delivery program serves approximately 400 people per month throughout Howard County. ThePark-It-Market is funded largely through monetary donations by theircongregation. GUMC also purchases some food to stock the market from the
Maryland Food Bank.
The second Thursday of every month families are invited by the school principal based on need. The Market sets out dry goods and toiletries in the school cafeteria. They try to provide produce and a protein if money allows. The parents “shop” for one months worth food with GUMC volunteer. While they shop kids eat pizza and read books. Anyone who has helped in the past knows its a great uplifting atmosphere for the families and volunteers.
Funds for thepizza have run out. The LUMC Outreach Committee, GUMC, and Lisbon
Elementary have partnered to share the cost of the pizza each month until June.
Our volunteers help serve the pizza and drinks. The kids love the homemadecookies that our congregation provides ! Last month a little boy was filling everypocket he had with cookies. His huge smiled reassured me that we really are
sharing God’s love.
Lisa Dolce, Food Ministry Chair and Park-It-Market Manager told me that the market frequently runs low on cereal for families. We can help with that need with the creation of Cereal Sunday. Every Third Sunday of the month the cart will be in the narthex for cereal donations. Acceptable donation are healthy,
but flavored cereals. Examples are Honey Nut Cheerios, Strawberry Cornflakes, etc.
Mathew 14: 17-21 – “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass.
Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanksand broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave the to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked
up twelve baskets of broken pieces that were left over. The number of thosewho ate was about five thousand men, women and children.
If anyone is interested in serving pizza and cookies, please let Teresa Boswell or Gayle Carter know, please.
Purses packed with small gifts and hygiene products donated to women’s shelters.

Salvation Army Tree – Congregation supports 4 children and parent with clothing and gifts at Christmas.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace – Non profit that provides beds and bedding for underprivileged children. Collection from the congregation.

Operation Gratitude
Operation Gratitude – We recently received a letter from “Operation Gratitude” thanking us for the over 600 cards we sent earlier in the fall. The cards were included in Care packages sent to our military throughout the world.
Some comments from the letter- Thank you again for your comments and patriotic spirit. Every single donation we receive furthers our mission and the recipients of your generosity will remember your kindness forever.